Waffle Colored Knee-Grows ft. Queen
Are they cute or are they just lightskin? Isake and Queen talk about colorism, pop culture things that have brought us Black joy. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
Are they cute or are they just lightskin? Isake and Queen talk about colorism, pop culture things that have brought us Black joy. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
Show Notes
Links to:
Follow us on Twitter @CheersNQueers
Follow us on Instagram @CheersNQueers
Here is our Patreon if you want to give us your money
Learn more about Queen
Ms. Vixen Magazine
Listen to Tea with Queen and J
Why use a copper cup for a mule
Black Ass Kentucky Mule
2 oz Uncle Nearest Whiskey
Ginger beer to top
½ oz fresh squeezed lime juice
Mint garnish
Add whiskey and lime juice into an ice-filled glass (or a copper mug!), and stir together to combine and chill. Add ginger beer to taste. Garnish with mint.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Interstitial music by Abel Shiffera
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith
Edited by Lance John
Social media by Jaylen Elise Colvin Taylor
Cheers & Queers S3 Ep 01 - Radical Ratchet Joy with Jewel Cadet
Kirya and Isake talk with Jewel about party spaces, survival centered transformative justice practices, and what it means to be crafting the way forward with practice, grace, and twerking. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
Kirya and Isake talk with Jewel about party spaces, survival centered transformative justice practices, and what it means to be crafting the way forward with practice, grace, and twerking. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
Show Notes
Links to:
Follow us on Twitter @CheersNQueers
Follow us on Instagram @CheersNQueers
Here is our Patreon if you want to give us your money
Learn more about Jewel Cadet - Jewel’s IG, A Ratchet Realm
Big zaddy energy: Carmine Black is an amazing dance instructor who will break your brain and help you free your spirit
Rabbit freezable cocktail maker is what Isake uses for frozen drinks
Support Luv Story Bar!!!
Get into all the things Jennifer Eden does
Support the amazingly talented DJ Muse
Kentucky Margarita
2 oz. Bourbon/Whiskey
1 oz. Lime Juice
1 oz. Agave Syrup
Optional: Mint, Lime, or Salt for garnish
Just mix the liquid ingredients, pour over ice, and garnish if you fancy 🎩.. Also an option to make a slush drink by pouring over crushed ice.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Interstitial music by Abel Shiffera
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Edited by Lance John
Cheers & Queers S1 Minisode 01 - A shot! Twentytwentywon
We are back with a mini-episode to begin Season 3! Kirya and Isake talk about the apocalypse, dry January, and give you some important show updates. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
We are back with a mini episode to begin Season 3! Kirya and Isake talk about the apocalypse, dry January, and give you some important show updates. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
Show Notes
Links to:
Follow us on Twitter @CheersNQueers
Follow us on Instagram @CheersNQueers
Here is our Patreon if you want to give us your money
My Therapy Cards from an amazing Black femme
Dry January has benefits and drawbacks (if you missed it, maybe consider Sober October).
Winter Cranberry Spritz
2 ounces rosemary simple syrup
4 ounces cranberry juice unsweetened
soda water or other carbonated water
Combine simple syrup and juice in a glass with ice and stir. Top with soda water
Paper Plane
1 part bourbon
1 part amoro
Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker/glass, stir, add ice, top with seltzer
Imaginary Airplane
1 part bourbon
1 part amoro
1 part Aperol
Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker/glass, stir, add ice
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Interstitial music by Abel Shiffera
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Edited by Lance John
Cheers & Queers S2 Ep 06 -Existential Authenticity ft. Be Steadwell
Isake and Kirya giggle a lot with our guest, storyteller, and musician Be Steadwell. We talk about her new album, Succulent, what is getting us through in the midst of a wild world, and what we are imagining things could be.
Isake and Kirya giggle a lot with our guest, storyteller and musician Be Steadwell. We talk about her new album, Succulent, what is getting us through in the midst of a wild world, and what we are imagining things could be.
Show Notes
Links to:
Follow us on Twitter @CheersNQueers
Follow us on Instagram @CheersNQueers
Here is our Patreon if you want to give us your money.
Here is Be’s Pateron if you want to give her money!
That’s one thicc cat...
Chani Nicholas book, You Were Born For This
Be’s cover of Pony
‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Imagines a World Free of Whiteness
Angela Davis’ book: Are Prisons Obsolete?
Recent article by Mariame Kaba: Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish Police
How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective
Virgin Paloma
1.5 oz lime juice
1 oz grapefruit juice
1 oz agave syrup or honey
Healthy pinch of sea salt
Soda water
Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake with ice. Strain over ice into a glass and top with soda.
All the music in this episode is by Be Steadwell
The Team
Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Edited by Lance John
#OnFleet: Enterprise
The first of our Star Trek mini-series! We talk through Enterprise and discuss if it’s really as bad as everyone says it is. (Spoiler alert, it’s the worst thing to ever happen to space, but listen anyway for a Black queer analysis of why it’s so terrible!) Please fill out our listener survey and check out our Patreon!
The first of our Star Trek mini-series! We talk through Enterprise and discuss if it’s really as bad as everyone says it is. (Spoiler alert, it’s the worst thing to ever happen to space, but listen anyway for a Black queer analysis of why it’s so terrible!)
Please fill out our listener survey and check out our Patreon!
Show Notes
Links to:
Follow us on twitter @CheersNQueers
Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG)
Alien Sex on the Beach
A sweet to semi sweet pink champagne
1.5oz your favorite whiskey
Muddled citrus (Kirya’s version)
1.5 oz of Pimms and a splash of passion fruit juice (Isake’s version)
All sounds from Enterprise!
The Team
Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Edited by Lance John
Cheers and Queers S2 Ep 05 - A Quarantine Chronicle
Isake and Kirya drink different things and meander through their lives in the time of the ‘Rona. BONUS: Now you can give us your money!(Please take a few moments to fill out our listener survey, the link is in the show notes below)
Isake and Kirya drink different things and meander through their lives in the time of the ‘Rona. BONUS: Now you can give us your money!(Please take a few moments to fill out our listener survey, the link is in the show notes below)
Show Notes
Links to:
American Theatre Opinion Piece on co-parenting with an ex.
Isake’s health coach: Geek Girl Strong
Apartment Therapy tips & tricks
Follow us on twitter @CheersNQueers
Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG)
Isake: “Bourbon bees knees”: 1/2 oz honey (use the honey crystals from the bottom of the jar, if you got it!), 1/2 oz hot water, 2.5 oz bourbon, juice of half a lemon, and a sprig of thyme if you fancy. Put in a shaker with a large rock, shake and serve.
Kirya's "go to" cocktail "The Seven Day Work Week": 1 part Bourbon, 1 part seltzer, ginger beer to taste, cocktail bitters to taste, stir with ice.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Satisfied, from the Original Cast recording of Hamilton
Magic School Bus theme song, by Little Richard
The Team
Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Edited by Lance John
Cheers and Queers - Black Queers #OnFleet
A blerdy review of our trek fandom with Cleopatra From the Bronx. Recorded live at Respect: Women’s Podcast Festival hosted by the Black Tribbles in at Amalgam Comics in Philly, August 24, 2019.
A blerdy review of our trek fandom with Cleopatra From the Bronx. Recorded live at Respect: Women’s Podcast Festival hosted by the Black Tribbles in at Amalgam Comics in Philly, August 24, 2019.
Show Notes
Links to:
The Black Tribbles
Airbnb Scam (stay woke fam!)
Our Venmos: @IsakeKhadija @kirya-traber
Follow us on twitter @CheersNQueers
Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG).
Follow Cleopatra at @cleopatrafromthebronx on IG & Twitter
Cardassian Sunrise
-2 oz Blood Orange Grand Reserve Rosé
-1 oz Rowhouse Spirits: Drowned Devil Rum (the old demon)
-3 oz Grapefruit juice
-2 oz KeVita Lemon Cayenne
-coconut water*
Combine spirits, grapefruit, and KeVita. Add ice, stir, and top with coconut water to taste.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Outro: Discovery Theme by Jeff Russo
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber
Engineered by Lance John
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers & Queers - Wet Your Appetite...
A smol aperitif to get you ready! We chat about co-habitating, marriage, plant witchery, and what the show is doing next. Follow us at CheersNQueers, Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG).
A smol aperitif to get you ready! We chat about co-habitating, marriage, plant witchery, and what the show is doing next. Follow us at CheersNQueers, Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG).
Show Notes
Links to:
Our Venmos: @IsakeKhadija @kirya-traber
The Hard Questions: 100 Essential Questions to Ask Before You Say "I Do"
The Live In Lover
3 ounces silver/blanco tequila (We like Casamigos!)
2 ounces Campari OR Aperol
1 ounce seltzer
1 chunk watermelon
Pour into glass over ice, stir, serve.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Hands by Boomscat
All other interstitial music by Abel Shiffera
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber
Engineered by Lance John
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers & Queers S2 Ep 2 - I Need a Space to Thrive
Isake and Kirya have an unfiltered conversation about cultivating spaces for black queerness to thrive with, Jarvis Green, the Founder & Producing Artistic Director of Jag Productions, a Black theatre company in Upper Valley Vermont. We touch on friendships, family, and the presence and absence of queer narratives in our history and our lives.
Show Notes
Old Vermont (this recipe makes one drink)
5 ounces gin
½ ounce Grade B pure maple syrup (Maple syrup from Vermont, of you can get it!)
¼ ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
¼ ounce freshly squeezed orange juice
2 dashes bitters
Orange rind
Combine all liquid ingredients into a shaker, add ice, and shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled martini glass, twist orange rind, and place on surface of drink. Enjoy!
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Hands by Boomscat
Satisfied from the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack
All other interstitial music by Abel Shifferaw
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber
Engineered by Lance John
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers and Queers S2 Ep 1 - A Lot of Rum & Feelings
We’re back for Season 2! We celebrate a year of making shows with a fight of rum cocktails, and updates on our lives and the world.
We’re back for Season 2! We celebrate a year of making shows with a fight of rum cocktails, and updates on our lives and the world.
Show Notes
Links to:
A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home
Unequal Lending Keeps Redlining Alive in Philadelphia’s Gentrifying Neighborhoods.
Chronic Illness
“So much time spent in bed: Gloria Anzaldua, chronic illness, Coatlicue and disability,” by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
‘The Ethical Slut’: Inside America’s Growing Acceptance of Polyamory
What’s the Difference Between Polyamory & an Open Relationship?
Tensions of subjectivity: The instability of queer polyamorous identity and community
Cocktail flight with Mount Gay Barbados Rum
Rum & Coke
2oz rum & 6oz “Fentimans Curiosity Cola”
Pour over ice
Dark & Stormy
2oz rum
6oz “Brooklyn Crafted Classic Ginger Ale”
a squeeze of fresh lime
and a dash of bitters of your choosing (we used Urban Moonshine Original which is on the bitter side of bitters. You may want something sweeter!)
Shake and pour over ice.
Mojito :
7 to 8 mint leaves,
½ lime cut into 4 to 5 wedges,
1 ½ tablespoons of honey simple syrup (or to taste, if you like things a little sweeter),
2oz rum,
½ cup of club soda.
Muddle half the lime wedges and mint (use the back of a spoon in a large cup if you don’t have a muddler).
Add another lime wedge and the honey syrup to the mix and muddle more.
In a different glass, add ice, rum, and club soda.
Strain muddled liquid into the glass.
Garnish with leftover mint and lime
Rum & Lemonade :
2oz rum
Pour over ice
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Hands by Boomscat
Satisfied from the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack
All other interstitial music by Abel Shifferaw
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber
Engineered by Lance John
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers & Queers Episode 5 - LIVE!
Our very first live show! We talk about the origins of Cheers & Queers, share what we find erotic, celebrate the birthday of the indomitable Audre Lorde with scholar and best aunt ever, Alexis Pauline Gumbs and the NYC based organizing center, The Audre Lorde Project, then play a drinking game with erotic Star Trek fan fic. Grab a drink and join us!
Our very first live show! We talk about the origins of Cheers & Queers, share what we find erotic, celebrate the birthday of the indomitable Audre Lorde with scholar and best aunt ever, Alexis Pauline Gumbs and the NYC based organizing center, The Audre Lorde Project, then play a drinking game with erotic Star Trek fan fic. Grab a drink and join us!
Show Notes
Links to:
Implicitly, by jaylee_g and sundara, from The Caffeinated Neurotic https://jaylee-g.dreamwidth.org/54798.html
At Starr Bar NYC! http://starrbar.com/
The Kaeperknick: “Jameson Caskmate, Pedicularis-infused Jameson, Amaro Nonio, Honey, Lemon. Take a knee and enjoy.”
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Hands by Boomscat
Satisfied from the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack
All other interstitial music by Abel Shiffera
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber
Engineered by Lance John
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers & Queers Bonus Episode - All Black Panther Everything
We chat with Tony Ray, of Everybody Loves Tony Ray, about ALL OF OUR FEELINGS, good, bad, and complex. But in the end, we all agree: WAKANDA FOREVER.
We chat with Tony Ray, of Everybody Loves Tony Ray, about ALL OF OUR FEELINGS, good, bad, and complex. But in the end, we all agree: WAKANDA FOREVER.
Show Notes
Links to:
Tickets to Universal FanCon (don’t forget to use promo code GiftedSounds for 10% off): http://bit.ly/2C0HC17
Modern Wakandan font by Kaptured Kaios - FontSpace
Recipe for Killmonger’s Blood of the Colonizer
0.3 liter unflavored vodka
0.6 liter red wine (Merlot if you like dry, port or shiraz if you like sweet)
2 dried poblano peppers (or your favorite dried pepper)
2 inches of ginger
¼ teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)
Crumble the peppers, peel and shred the ginger, place in the bottle. Pour vodka and wine over spices, seal, and store in a dark cool place to steep for 1 month. After the month, strain through a cheesecloth. You can serve at room temperature, OR add the cinnamon, let settle for another 2 weeks, and then serve at room temperature.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
‘Satisfied’ from the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack
Redemption Interlude & Paramedic- Kendrick Lamar + SOB + RBE from the Black Panther Soundtrack
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber
Engineered by Lance John
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers & Queers Episode 3: Femmespiration
On this episode we chat about hooking up at Hogwarts, warm dranks, handling the holidays, street harassment, gender, flirting, the failure of She’s Gotta Have It, representation, and all the ways to Femme with artist Sal Muñoz.
On this episode we chat about hooking up at Hogwarts, warm dranks, handling the holidays, street harassment, gender, flirting, the failure of She’s Gotta Have It, representation, and all the ways to Femme with artist Sal Muñoz.
We also want you to give us your thoughts on economics, capitalism, and blackanomics (or something like that). Send your one minute or less voice memo to us at CheersNQueers@gmail.com
Show Notes
Links to:
The Spoon Theory. (http://bit.ly/2l2T4pQ)
The Femme Project: (https://www.facebook.com/thefemmeproject/) & (https://www.instagram.com/the.femme.project/)
Sal Munoz Artist Page: (http://salmunoz.com/femme)
Spiked Apple Cider
Mulled Cider:
1 orange
1 lemon
8 cups of your favorite cider
1 tablespoon whole allspice berries or 1 teaspoon ground
2 teaspoons roughly chopped crystallized or fresh ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons whole black peppercorns
1 1/2 teaspoons cardamom pods or 1/2 teaspoon ground
1 whole cinnamon stick
5 whole cloves
1 bay leaf
1 star anise
Sugar or honey, to taste
Rum, whiskey, or brandy
Peel orange and apple. Place half the orange peels and all of the spices into a mulling ball or cheesecloth. Pour cider over gathered spices, and heat on low in crock pot for 4 to 5 hours. Add sweetener to taste. Add 2 to 3 ounces of spirits into the serving cup, and pour cider over it. Makes 8 cups.
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Restore by Abel Shiffera
Hands by Boomscat
Conga House by Abel Shiffera
Satisfied from Hamilton
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber, Lance John, and Jassel Hernndez
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Cheers & Queers Episode 2: Hood-Based Epistemology
On this episode we chat about queers and non-monogamy, spoons, our homies on the left coast, relationships, and a different kind of love with Ericka Hart and Ebony Donnely over some fancy rosé!
On this episode we chat about queers and non-monogamy, spoons, our homies on the left coast, relationships, and a different kind of love with Ericka Hart and Ebony Donnely over some fancy rosé!
Show Notes
Pinot de Sud Côtes-de-thongue rosé
Intro: Sage by Be Steadwell
Additional Music
Restore by Abel Shiffera
Hands by Boomscat
Conga House by Abel Shiffera
Satisfied from Hamilton
Outro: Hey by Boomscat
The Team
Hosted by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber
Produced by Isake Smith, Kirya Traber, Lance John, and Jassel Hernndez
Edited by Jassel Hernandez
Links to:
The Spoon Theory. (http://bit.ly/2l2T4pQ)
9 Things Monogamists Can Learn From Polyamory. (http://bit.ly/2l0xWjX)
9 Things Polyamorists Can Learn From Monogamy. (http://bit.ly/2kYCkja)
The Giant Pool of Money. (http://bit.ly/2l0DBGz)
Hoodrat to Headwrap: A Decolonized Podcast. (http://apple.co/2l18Jpm)
Ericka Hart: (http://www.ihartericka.com/#home)