Cheers & Queers S2 Ep 06 -Existential Authenticity ft. Be Steadwell

Isake and Kirya giggle a lot with our guest, storyteller and musician Be Steadwell. We talk about her new album, Succulent, what is getting us through in the midst of a wild world, and what we are imagining things could be. 

Show Notes

Links to:


Virgin Paloma

  • Ingredients:

    • 1.5 oz lime juice

    • 1 oz grapefruit juice

    • 1 oz agave syrup or honey

    • Healthy pinch of sea salt

    • Soda water

  • Instructions

    • Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake with ice. Strain over ice into a glass and top with soda.


The Team

  • Hosted, produced, and engineered by Isake Smith and Kirya Traber

  • Edited by Lance John


Cheers & Queers S1 Minisode 01 - A shot! Twentytwentywon


#OnFleet: Enterprise