Cheers & Queers
Kirya and Isake talk with Jewel about party spaces, survival centered transformative justice practices, and what it means to be crafting the way forward with practice, grace, and twerking. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
We are back with a mini-episode to begin Season 3! Kirya and Isake talk about the apocalypse, dry January, and give you some important show updates. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.
Isake and Kirya giggle a lot with our guest, storyteller, and musician Be Steadwell. We talk about her new album, Succulent, what is getting us through in the midst of a wild world, and what we are imagining things could be.
The first of our Star Trek mini-series! We talk through Enterprise and discuss if it’s really as bad as everyone says it is. (Spoiler alert, it’s the worst thing to ever happen to space, but listen anyway for a Black queer analysis of why it’s so terrible!) Please fill out our listener survey and check out our Patreon!
Isake and Kirya drink different things and meander through their lives in the time of the ‘Rona. BONUS: Now you can give us your money!(Please take a few moments to fill out our listener survey, the link is in the show notes below)
Another throwback episode! We (extensively) cover Vulcans at First Contact, consider the work Black femmes do for everyone, look for queer history from 1619 to 2019, misandry, and chat with Angelique Roche about the journey to freelance, content creation, and being a professional nerd.
A blerdy review of our trek fandom with Cleopatra From the Bronx. Recorded live at Respect: Women’s Podcast Festival hosted by the Black Tribbles in at Amalgam Comics in Philly, August 24, 2019.
A smol aperitif to get you ready! We chat about co-habitating, marriage, plant witchery, and what the show is doing next. Follow us at CheersNQueers, Isake @is_she_okay on Twitter and IG & Kirya @kiryatraber (twitter) @kiryat (IG).
Are they cute or are they just lightskin? Isake and Queen talk about colorism, pop culture things that have brought us Black joy. Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @CheersNQueers, and support our Patreon.