Cheers and Queers S2 Ep 04 - Don't Try Me ft. Angélique Roché

Cheers and Queers - Don't Try Me ft. Angélique Roché
Cheers and Queers

Another throwback episode! We (extensively) cover Vulcans at First Contact, consider the work Black femmes do for everyone, look for queer history from 1619 to 2019, misandry, and chat with Angelique Roche about the journey to freelance, content creation, and being a professional nerd. 

Finding folks: 

Angelique Roche’s Instagram and Twitter

The Radical Geeks- April Reign and the Gluten Free Pineapple Pizza Debacle

Marvel’s Voices


The Blerdgurl


400 Years of Inequality


Ghana marks 400 years since American slave trade

Descarte mind body dualism


Dry January

Lenord Nemoy’s Sunny 

Carolyn Malichai

Adam Ellis

Paying quarterly taxes

Black women with BA annd white people with high school diplomas

Ace Comic Con

How to Survive the End of the World

Citrus Spritzer

Equal parts Blood orange San Pellegrino and lemon lime sparkling water, pour over ice, stir and enjoy.

Honey Vodka Tonic

2 oz. Honey vodka 

8 oz. Citrus Pellegrino

Splash of fresh lime juice


  • Pour vodka over ice into tall glass, add Pellegrino and lime juice. Stir and enjoy.


Cheers and Queers S2 Ep 05 - A Quarantine Chronicle


Cheers and Queers - Black Queers #OnFleet