Pondering Nerdcast Episode 27: #StopTheLies
Is YouTube Red worth your money?, what took Nintendo so long to make a cell phone game?, has Detroit become the fictional robot capital? and did the Halo 5 Ads lie to the fans? Find out on this episode of the Pondering Nerdcast.
Show Notes
It's OK to hack your own car, US copyright authorities rule. (http://bit.ly/1N9T5y2)
Sony revels in revealing the PS4’s future at Paris Games Week. (http://bit.ly/1N9TbWr)
Detroit | Announce TRAILER | #PlayStationPGW. (http://bit.ly/1N9Tgtg)
Nintendo announces first smartphone title Miitomo, delays launch to 2016. (http://bit.ly/1N9TNeM)
'Batman: Arkham Knight' returns to PC with some lingering issues. (http://engt.co/1N9TUXw)
Halo 5 Ads Lied To You. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-LAxgocOpw)
New Battlefront trailer released. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2xp-qtUlsQ)
Man crashes world premiere of spectre using Bond style tactics. (http://bit.ly/1N9TpwO)
Pondering Nerdcast Episode 20: Solid Metal Gear talk
On this episode we talk about the Machinima settlement with the FTC, Battlefront says no to 'Server Browers,' and we get into some Metal Gear Solid talk with Brasel the Gamer.
Show Notes
Machinima settles with FTC over misleading Xbox endorsements. (http://for.tn/1fWkZiZ)
'Star Wars Battlefront' Won't Have A Server Browser, And Gamers Aren't Happy. (http://onforb.es/1fWkZzA)
881 E.T. cartridges buried in New Mexico desert sell for $107,930.15. (http://bit.ly/1fWl5Hq)
Google takes on Twitch today with YouTube Gaming. (http://bit.ly/1fWlcCE)
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@Gifted51/Lance John
@TheRealShepherb/Nate Rowe
@alyssa_spector/ Alyssa Spector
@BraselTheGamer/ Tony Brasel