Audio Podcast, Season 3, Interview Lance John Audio Podcast, Season 3, Interview Lance John

Pondering Nerdcast interviewing: Tim Knowlton of Disc Jockey Jockey

Disc Jockey Jockey is probably one of the most unique video game you will run into. Lance and Mekeisa interviews Tim Knowlton the creator of Disc Jockey Jockey and talk about where the game is at now and where it's going. All this and more on this episode of the Pondering Nerdcast. 

You work for a radio company with several radio stations. A bad software update leaves the DJs unable to control their microphones. You’re in the control room, patched between the studios and the broadcast tower. You need to tune in to each station and put the DJs on-air when they need to speak. No dead air.

For Information check out his web site

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