Pondering Nerdcast Ep 139 - You don't know what 5G is
When you turn on your tv do you try to be bored? Of course not! That’s why you listen to the Pondering Nerds! We tell you about stupid theories like 5G radiation making you sick, or Monopoly being a fraud, or talented and bored people making viral videos. So much to cover. Don’t forget to check out Amazing Stories on your Smart TV of choice. Because like Lance says, “Amazing Stories seem like ideas Spielberg never got to make.”
When you turn on your tv do you try to be bored? Of course not! That’s why you listen to the Pondering Nerds! We tell you about stupid theories like 5G radiation making you sick, or Monopoly being a fraud, or talented and bored people making viral videos. So much to cover. Don’t forget to check out Amazing Stories on your Smart TV of choice. Because like Lance says, “Amazing Stories seem like ideas Spielberg never got to make.”
Show Notes
The many versions of Monopoly - http://worldofmonopoly.com, PBS Game/Show, hosted by Jamin Warren, had an episode made 5 years ago covering Monopoly. (https://bit.ly/2RdCIYN)
Can 5G radiation make you sick? What we found. - (https://bit.ly/2XbakKO)
Bill Gates on Fighting Coronavirus | The Daily Social Distancing Show. (https://bit.ly/3bNQU2L)
Photo - (https://bit.ly/2V3MZIe)
Monopoly is a fraud (PBS Game/Show)
Lance and Meke rediscover Amazing Stories
Hello (from the Inside) An Adele Pandemic Parody by Chris Mann. (https://bit.ly/2Rc0sg3)
Pondering Nerds Show: Tough Luck Running Windows XP
Did Bill Gates really have a plan for the world run windows xp and then leave high and dry? Find out on this segment of the Pondering Nerds Podcast: Tough luck running Windows XP.
Show Notes
Still running Windows XP? That's the way Bill Gates planned it. (http://bit.ly/1jVKHTQ)