Pondering Nerdcast Ep 108 - "A Wrinkle In Time" Panel

Coverage: “A Wrinkle in Time” Pen America panel at Strand Bookstore

“A Wrinkle in Time” was first published back in 1962, but its impact is long lasting with no signs of waning. Even though the latest attention has been given to the book because of its film adaptation directed by Ava Duvernay, many longtime literary fans of Engle frequent events dedicated to readings, in-depth analysis, and general fangirling/fanboying/fanhearting.

Léna Roy and Charlotte Jones Voiklis, PhD are the stars of our coverage of this panel held by Pen America in Strand Bookstores this past March.

Show Notes

Madeleine Engle: https://www.madeleinelengle.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/madeleinelengle

MacMillan profiles: https://us.macmillan.com/author/lenaroy and https://us.macmillan.com/author/charlottejonesvoiklis

PEN America: https://pen.org/pen-america-journal


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