Pondering Nerdcast Episode 3: So Much Awesome


Super Troopers 2, Bionic Ants and a RC Imperial Star Destroyer yes it’s all that awesome in one episode of the Pondering Nerdcast and much more.

Show Notes

Super Troopers gets a crowd-funded sequel, and the boys are back in training. (http://thebea.st/1ClKfmE)

Bionic Ants. (http://cnet.co/1aI3W2h)

'Interstellar' TARS robot cosplay stomps along in real life. (http://cnet.co/1CuZ3PM)

RC Imperial Star Destroyer - Destroyer of worlds. (http://bit.ly/1FcFeE9)

Games dropping next Tuesday: GTA:V for PC and Mortal Kombat X for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. (http://bit.ly/1ClLaUi)

Titan Souls - Gameplay Trailer. (http://bit.ly/1ClObnB)


Pondering Nerdcast Episode 4: Holy Trailer Season Batman!


Pondering Nerdcast Episode 2: Round house