... in the meantime

I don't know about you but I can't wait to hear great stuff. Here are some great shows to check out if you're hungry for more media content with young people, now!

- The Feeling Some Type of Way podcast - NYC youngsters traversing high school!

- The Youngish podcast - How cute is THIS show?! "A hilariously honest podcast that brings younger generations together. AND your kids can listen too!"

- Youth Radio - Very cool media network where young people are the newscasters, journalists, and hosts bringing info, opinions, and laughs to the general public. Here's what they have to say: 

"Youth Radio believes that under the right conditions and with the necessary supports, young people are makers of powerful media, technology, and community.
By providing hands-on production projects with top professionals and peer collaborators, we offer unique opportunities for technical, professional, and leadership development. Our programs are structured around progressive curricula, helping young people develop marketable skill sets that lead to expanded education and career opportunities."


Do YOU have any shows you'd like to add to this list? Post it below or email us at thesteampodcast @ gmail dot com and share. We'll give you a special thanks for the tip!


Trailer: What is Made with STEAM?!